And 没错,写作老师最想消灭的英语单词就是它


From the passage we know that many archaeologists think that the financial support for research is not enough and the money is usually given by the government.

每当我遇见这样的句子,真的想把 and 从英语字典中消灭!

Eradicate “and” from English! 

(eradicate: destroy completely, 彻底毁灭)



从语法的角度来看这个句子 100 分。







原句重点在于这个并列句:the financial support for research is not enough and the money is usually given by the government.

financial support is insufficient 和 research funding comes from the government 这两个信息哪一个更重要?

没错,句子的重点应该落在 underfunding, 而 money coming from the government 主要在修饰前面的 “financial support” — “money” 和 “financial support” 是一回事。


“financial support for research is not enough” 和 “the money is usually given by the government” — 资金不够和资金主要来自政府 — “资金来自政府” 是在修饰 “资金不够” — 两者并不是并列关系!

不是并列关系却选用并列句式,那叫滥用 and!

(心疼 and 一分钟)

所以 …… 应该怎么改?


—> From the passage we know that many archaeologists think that the financial support for research, which is usually given by the government, is not enough.

—> From the passage we know that many archaeologists think that the financial support for research, which mainly comes from the government, falls short of supporting many archaeologists.


读完以上文字,你不知不觉学到 5 个地道表达:

eradicate = destroy completely

insufficient = not enough = inadequate

underfunding n. (underfund v.) = insufficient funding

fall short of (sth./doing sth.) = be less than what you need, expected, or hoped for, or to fail to reach a satisfactory standard

sustain = provide support and strength

当你再次碰到 “and” 被放到放到不属于他的地方,你知道怎么改了吧?快来练一波吧!

1) Scientists are conducting research on a kind of crops that is unattractive to the pests and these crops do not harm birds.

2) After my parents brought me a phone and I started using it to assist my study.

3) The game Minecraft helped me to relax and stop thinking about the complex and perplexing math problems.

4) Those luxurious cars have great performance and exceed the cars that are cheap.

5) Scientists discovered the fossils of Pterosaurs and found that they had fur.