


Essay是一般意义上的英文论文,总体上分为introduction,main body 和conclusion三个部分。但是在写作essay前确实有很多工作要做的。

  • 研究题目






  • 列提纲



introduction也就是引言,作为文章开头的第一部分,它的内容一般用3-5句话概括一下你论文的背景、论点。因为essay的篇幅一般都是比较短的,所以引言部分是不能太长的,要做到精要简明,一般引言的开头句型有“As far as …is concerned 就……而言”

“There’s no denying the fact that…毫无疑问,无可否认”等等。



  • 结论


  • 注意


说到这里大家对于怎样写essay也应该有个大方向的了解了,essay的写作除了上述的一些重点,当然也少不了同学们在平时的日积月累,要知道只是知识并不是靠一天就能学成的,写作能力也不是一天就能练成的,当然如果您现在还没有把握写出优秀的essay,可以找我们Academic god专业代写机构,我们专业针对学生各种论文类型代写,旗下优秀写手众多更有专业级教授坐镇,只为保障您的论文质量。7*24小时在线客服竭诚为您服务,QQ:5757940欢迎您前来咨询订购。






X is fundamental to…

X has a pivotal role in…

X is frequently prescribed for…

X is fast becoming a key instrument in…

X plays a vital role in the metabolism of…

X plays a critical role in the maintenance of…

X is essential for a wide range of technologies.

X can play an important role in addressing the issue of…

There is evidence that X plays a crucial role in xxx…


The issue of X has received considerable critical attention.

The past decade has seen the rapid development of X in many…

X is a common condition which has considerable impact>Since it was reported in 2002,X has been attracting a lot of interest.

Recently,a considerable literature has grown up around the theme of…

Evidence suggests that X is among the most important factors for…

In the history of xxx,X has been thought of as a key factor in…Xs are>

<a href=”http://www.hotessay.cn/news_show.php?cid=25&id=1069″>essay写作</a>中强调这个领域研究者和相关工作较少(你懂得):

XXX had been a largely under explored domain(under表否定、下等)

too little work has been devoted to


One of the main obstacles…

One of the greatest challenges…

A key issue is the safe disposal of…

The main disadvantage of X is that…

X is associated with increased risk of…

It is now well established that X can impair…(impair损害)

X has led to the declines in the populations of…

X is a growing public xxx concern in xxx.

X is&gt;The main challenge faced by many experiments is the…

Lack of X has existed as a xxx problem for many years.

X is a major public problem,and the main cause of…

Xs are&gt;X is the leading cause of death in xxx.

Despite its long success,X has a number of problems in use.

There is increasing concern that some Xs are being disadvantaged…

There is an urgent need to address the safety problems caused by…

Questions have been raised about the safety of the prolonged use of…

The prevalence of X is increasing at an alarming rate in all age groups.

Despite its safety and efficacy,X suffers from several major drawbacks:

Along with this growth in X,however,there is increasing concern over…

X is increasingly recognised as a serious,worldwide public concern.

X and its consequences are an important,but understudied,cause for concern.


X may cause…

X is limited by…

X suffers from…

X is too expensive to be used for…

X has accentuated the problem of…

the performance of X is limited by…

X could be a contributing factor to…

the synthesis of X remains a major challenge.

X can be extremely harmful to xxx.

research has consistently shown that X lacks…

a major problem with this kind of application is…

the determination of X is technically challenging.

current methods of X have proven to be unreliable.

these rapid changes are having a serious effect&gt;X can be adversely affected under certain conditions.

observations have indicated a serious decline in the population of…


Recent evidence suggests that…

Previous studies have reported…

Several studies have documented…

Studies of X show the importance of…

Several attempts have been made to…

A number of researchers have reported…

Previous research comparing X and Y has found…

Existing research recognizes the critical role played by…

Recently investigators have examined the effects of X&gt;Surveys such as that conducted by Smith(1988)showed that…

Factors found to be influencing X have been explored in several studies.

Studies over the past two decades have provided important information&gt;A considerable amount of literature has been published&gt;In the past two decades,a number of researchers have sought to determine…

There have been a number of longitudinal studies involving X that have reported…

It has been+()型:(小伙伴们最喜欢的It is xxx that句式来了,初中英语必备^_^)

noted that…

argued that…

shown that…

reported that…

assumed that…

suggested that…established that…demonstrated that….conclusively shown that…


This research sheds new light&gt;This study provides new insights into…

The study offers some important insights into…

The present study fills a gap in the literature by…

Understanding the link between X and Y will help…

The present research explores,for the first time,the effects of…

The findings should make an important contribution to the field of….

This study provides an exciting opportunity to advance our knowledge of…

This study aims to contribute to this growing area of research by exploring…

Therefore,this study makes a major contribution to research on X by demonstrating…


The first section of this paper will examine…

My thesis is composed of four themed chapters.

The essay has been organised in the following way.

The remaining part of the paper proceeds as follows:…

The main issues addressed in this paper are:a),b and c).

This paper has been divided into four parts.The first part deals with…

The contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:(很常见的句式,简单)

The overall structure of the study takes the form of six chapters,including this introductory chapter.Chapter Two begins by laying out the theoretical dimensions of the research,and looks at how…The third chapter is concerned with the methodology used for this study.